Saturday, 24 April 2010

Anish Kapoor

Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2010

Anish Kapoor & Leonard Street New York

The exhibition has been held in Riyal Academy of Arts and the architecture by Anish Kapoor above is one of his massive and great works. Particularly, I enjoyed seeing process of the project with hand drawings, 3D models, photos of testing the design, the final design model and many more. I could also see how the design of his project was completed and what kind of ways he uses on his works.


Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2010

The exhibition in RIBA (the Royal Institute of British Architects) – Students competition
RIBA was one of must visit places as a student to study landscape architecture for me and during the module called Focus Week at university I could have a chance to visit the place. When I went there, there was an exhibition of projects by students (Architecture students) and I was really inspired by them. It was very good to see whole package of projects including titles, details of layout and design in different style and thinking so I enjoyed the visit a lot and even bought books in the bookshop of RIBA in the end of visiting.


A photographic exhibition at the Bartlett School of Architecture

Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2010

Sixteen(makers) and Stahlbogen GmbH present:
55/02: A Manufactured Architecture in a Manufactured Landscape
It was the first time to visit the Bartlett School of Architecture and I did not really know what the lobby gallery was so I was kind of disappointed when I realized that what was the gallery looks like on the place… But it was interesting anyway to see a small exhibition especially, the photography one and I have been only that sort of place at Kingston University and places in Korea so it was good to have a look a gallery which shows works temporarily at University.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

David chipperfield form matters

Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2010

David chipperfield form matters in Design Museum 26.JAN.2010

Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2010

David Chipperfield is one of architects in Britain who has designed buildings in international fields such as China, Japan, Italy, USA, Spain and Germany. There are many models and drawings as conceptional and master plans so I could have a chance to look at the process and also style of his design work through completed projects from museums to houses in my focus week time. He does not only architectural design but also artistic work as furniture designs and it reminds me works in various fields of art of Gaudi, Spanish Architect. The interesting feature of the exhibition was the objects that displayed were models with panel and each models have made of different materials even though same buildings or some parts of a building as models and it was good to enjoy various projects without getting bored easily with same and specific style of design or displayed objects. So I could think about how to display and what to show for understanding projects to public and also what can be done in process of a projects in diverse ways.

Design Museum 26.JAN.2010

Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2010

Design Museum in London

The museum is one of my favourite museums and galleries in London. There are always full of creativity and diversity as exhibitions whithin various fields of art and design.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Powers Of 10

Powers Of 10 - Macro & Micro

UNLV Landscape Architecture Design/Build Project

The interesting process to design on a landscape architecture project in UNLV :)
"During the beginning of our 3rd year, we had to design and build an itinerate patio in about a week. One large constraint was that we were not allowed to break the ground plane (no digging). The video takes you through the three design concepts, our ultimate design, and the finished project. " (

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Measuring in Barcelona 18.NOV.2009

Created by Bo-Kyung in 2010

Measuring in Barcelona 18.NOV.2009

Created by Bo-Kyung in 2010

Measuring in Barcelona 18.NOV.2009

Created by Bo-Kyung in 2010

Permaculture trip-Knollmead 27.OCT.09

Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2009
Very interesting word : Permanent + Agriculture = Permaculture
The visit in Fielding Module.


Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2009

Paper city - Urban utopias

Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2009
It was an exhibition in Royal academy of arts in October and drawings were displayed in a small gallery. Actually, I was excited to see this exhibition when I saw the title, paper city but it was more likely to a collection of drawings like cartoons which were created based on the title urban utopia. I would rather to see modells and drawings with paper such as paper craft things like that and almost every works were from imagination about urban utopia so they were quite abstract.

I am so sorry Goodbye

Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2009

"I am so sorry Goodbye" - Heather and Ivan Morison , Barbican Centre, 16. OCT. 09

When I saw the project, I just came up with a thought as several words about what I could see on a first experience of it, Wood, Light and Space as a shelter for people.

Kingston Uni MA degree show 2009

Photographs by Bo-Kyung in 2009

09. OCT. 2009, I went MA degree show near oxo tower in central London. There were various art pieces in a small gallery building and interesting course works were illustration, communication design and film design, moreover, it was fabulous to have a chance to see what kind of design there are at Kingston university and what they have as a final master piece different from BA course. Various works gave me inspiration about how to display projects effectively for an exhibition and what I can have as ways to show my project to help visitors, students and tutors to understand and enjoy as well. But the only one thing that I disappointed by this show was the fact that there were only three works in Landscape Architecture and Architecture part.......I expected a lot more than what I have seen in BA Degree show in 2009...Anyway, There were some interesting and brilliant works which I really pleased to watch.